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Friday, October 25, 2024

Innoncence, maturity, wisdom and more !!

In childhood, kids are generally happy ! – as one ages, learns, grows, some wisdom is begotten but innocence and happiness is seemingly is lost !! 

How learned are you ?  the educated ones tends to disbelieve, asks Q exhibiting their rationality, they no longer believe in miracles, little things, develop more faith that infinite powers and goodness of people are myth.    

As we age, life offers lot of experience and learning. Maturity isn't just about age, it's about emotional wisdom. It's embracing inner peace over external opinions and choosing love over ego in conflicts. Your true maturity isn't measured in years but in the depth of your understanding and compassion.  Is wisdom related to aging? While many people associate wisdom with advanced age, becoming wise clearly requires more than “just” growing old – accumulated life experience is an important foundation for wisdom, but not all highly wise individuals are old and many old individuals are not particularly wise.  

What is it that is most appealing about children? Nay not  their physical beauty alone ! – it is more about their openness to loving and being loved. Their playfulness, their innate humour – and the one quality that we have lsot over a period of ageing –  innocence.  Only children derive happiness with little things that may or may not be of value.  

Children have so many wonderfully innocent and naive traits. It’s these traits that draw us to them. They make us laugh and their purity and innocence is what makes living with children so special. We love to retell their funny stories.  As we age, we are no longer kind to strangers.  We do not say hello or smile   to random people and random things?   Children have this amazing ability to just see the good, sing randomly and break out into  a spontaneous dance.  Time often steels our childhood innocence from us.    

Wisdom is known to be tied with age, but does one’s age correlate with maturity? Those who are younger tend to assume and have been taught that wisdom comes with age. Elders tend to look down on those who are younger. Adulthood is marked with extra responsibility and knowledge, but many people consider that your age has nothing to do with maturity, but with experience.  

Maturity is often debated within the medical field in regard to when the brain actually functions and is fully developed. Research has shown that the brain matures in one’s 20s and typically occurs around age 26. According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, if your personality has a huge impact on maturity level and age does not simply reveal someone’s maturity.  

Any reference to wisdom in Western society would lead to Solomon and Socrates – both  were considered to be the smartest man in  the world at their time. According to the Hebrew bible Solomon was the smartest and according to the oracle of Delphi Socrates was the wisest man alive.  

Socrates is one of the most influential figures in Western thought, and his teachings have impacted a wide range of philosophers and fields. Some of his most well-known beliefs are about wisdom. He believed that wisdom was essential to virtue and living a good life.  Socrates didn’t leave any written records of his teachings. In fact, most of what is known about the great thinker comes from his students, especially Plato, who wrote extensively about him in his dialogues. 

To me,  learning patience was a journey that started with understanding that not everything in life happens at the pace we want it to.  We waited for good marks, seats in educational institutions, good job, promotion, marriage and more and more – and not everyone of us waited patiently !!  Patience is a sign of maturity and wisdom because it shows an understanding that good things often take time. It’s about knowing when to act and when to wait. It’s about having faith in the process and in yourself.  Mature and wise individuals understand this and are not just open to change, but they embrace it. They see it as an opportunity for growth, learning, and new experiences.


Well,  life is too beautiful to be spent worrying ! - see the kid, extremely happy with the lollypop, an aged would spend time comparing with what one has to that of another, and yearning of things that one does not possess !

With regards – S Sampathkumar




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