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Friday, March 14, 2025

SYMA medical camp for Conservancy workers - Urbaser Sumeet

Srinivas Youngmens Association (SYMA) from its founding days is deeply wedded to social service and it started with keeping the environs of Triplicane clean and hygiene.  A clean environment is a public facility as it is  a shared resource that benefits everyone.  A good clean environment is the very basis of good health and quality life for all members of the civil society. 

ஒரு சமுதாயம் நலமுற வாழ்வதற்கு - சுற்றுச் சூழல் நன்றாக இருத்தல் அதி முக்கியம்.  நாம் வாழும் பகுதி சுத்தமாக பேணப்படுவதால், உடல் ஆரோக்கியமும், மனா ஆரோக்கியமும் நன்றாக இருக்கும்.  சமுதாயம் நலமுற வாழும்.  சுற்றுச் சூழல் கெடுவதால் மனித குலம் மட்டுமல்ல, விலங்கினங்களும், தாவர இனங்களும் அழிவுக்கு உள்ளாகும். நாம் எப்போதும் சுத்தமாக இருக்கவேண்டிய அவசியத்தை செந்நாப்போதார் திருவள்ளுவர் அழகாக எடுத்து உரைக்கின்றார். .  

கழாஅக்கால் பள்ளியுள் வைத்தற்றால் சான்றோர்

குழாஅத்துப் பேதை புகல். 

சான்றோர் கூடியிருக்கும் இடத்துள் அறிவற்றவன் நுழைவது, கழுவாத காலைப் படுக்கைமேல் வைத்தது போலாகும். 

The Manzanares  river is in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula, flowing  from the Sierra de Guadarrama, passing  through Madrid, and eventually emptying into the Jarama river, which in turn is a right-bank tributary to the Tagus.  Madrid   is the capital and most populous municipality of Spain.   Madrid lies on the River. 

Great value is often associated with a clean place.  A clean city is a strong reflection of our moral and civic values. They do not just come by chance. They require – good strategy, execution, responsibility and dedicated maintenance.  .. .. and in ensuring that WE all have a role .. .. sad, in a city of literates, people throw waste from their housetops, fling garbage bags from their two wheelers and generally do not deposit them in bins or handover them to conservancy workers. 

Almost everyone of us would feel bad on seeing things unclean and many would complain too – we expect that workers should be around 24 X 7, keep things clean and tidy – yet not many would appreciate the good work (when done) – recognize those unrecognized faces who ensure the tidiness.  SYMA chose to be different.  .. for WE have a role in appreciating the good work of unsung heroes.  

Life in 1980s and in 2020s – certainly has changed .. .. those days, in Triplicane, we had long winding houses (resembling lanes) – there were tenants happily co-existing.  Now we have multi-storeyed apartments – people living in flats, mostly not knowing thy neighbour.  This is no post on harmony but on solid waste ! – those days there would be a cement dust-bin infront of every house or in between – a round concrete dust bin kept by Corporation.  Corporation workers would come (with bullock-cart) clean and collect garbage; remember streets would be cleaned (with brooms) twice a day. Roads / the area was clean – not any longer ! – why, and who is to be blamed ?    

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, campaign was launched on 2nd Oct 2014 at Rajghat by our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji.  The mastermind scheme  was India's largest cleanliness drive to date with three million government employees and students from all parts of India participating in 4,041 cities, towns, and rural areas.  In Chennai as in  most other cities -  cleanliness and conservancy is a major issue.  There are no public toilets in most places and in places where there is one, it is not usable condition.  Elsewhere, it is a  legal requirement for public toilets to be provided with the basic toilet amenities, namely toilet paper, liquid soap, hand dryer (or paper towels) and litter bin. The Chennai Corporation is the civic body governing the metropolis of Chennai.  It looks after the removal of solid waste –  every day more than 5000  MT of garbage is collected from the city.    

A decade or so earlier, this waste management was handed over to a Private firm (Onyx)  and Chennai residents were thrilled to see modern equipments like composter, compacter, gloved  and uniformed work force – seemingly good but only lasted for some time.  Then the conservancy contract was given to Neel Metal Fanalca, later Ramkay .. ..  

Then in Dec 2020, this was contracted to a Spanish firm – Urbaser.  Urbaser headquartered in Madrid is a world leader in environmental solutions, a global company focused on leveraging the value of the world’s resources to build a more sustainable tomorrow.  Sumeet Facilities  established in 1992 is now a Facility Management Services Co.  The JV aims at circular economy solutions managing the waste of this mega city.     

Most of us want to keep our house clean and tidy but when it comes to the community – the roads, the place, somehow – people litter the place, throw garbage everywhere and blame everyone else for not keeping it clean.  You and Me too have a fundamental responsibility. The conservation workers do a great job, unmindful of the vagaries of weather, festivities and the like.  When it rains, their job becomes more complicated and more so when trees fall and are to be removed.  While we want them to be at work 24 x 7 – little care is given to them.  Please treat conservancy workers with utmost respect and provide basic amenities for them.  Their health is most important as they strive to keep the environ clean, thereby providing the atmosphere for our good health.


SYMA cares for them – for the good health of all. On 2.3.2025, we organized a Medical camp providing quality health check-up for the conservancy workers of Urbaser Sumeet Zone 9.  Total of 164 persons enrolled, 136 had their vision screened – it was found that 6 of them needed Cataract surgery and 67 of them requiring spectacles.  Various dental issues too were sorted and couple of them had teeth extracted.  Health vaccine was provided and blood test analyzing their health was made.  

The Camp was efficiently run by medical and supporting staff of Karpaga Vinayaka Institute  of Dental Science, Sankara Eye Hospital, Pammal,  Dr Dinesh Kumar, Dr V Sriram, Dr Amirthavarshini, Dr MM Sridevi, and blood analytical support by Neuberg Diagnostics.  We thank all the associated medical professional, staff of Urbaser Sumeet and all our volunteers.  

Good health is compulsory to all and together we will strive to keep the Society and environment clean, hygiene and health. 

Regards – S Sampathkumar



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