
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Is Mobile an Ornament - the Ornamental Mobiles

Sometime back a firm known as Vetru introduced cosy costly models - perhaps  world's first luxury cell phone. The Vertu Signature became popular with celebs — Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna, Tom Ford and David Beckham all own them — but for mere mortals, even ones who drive Mercedes-Benzes and own plasma TVs, the price tag (from $5,750 to $26,550) could be daunting.

While Signature remains its flagship, Vertu is launching Ascent this April, a model with styling and price a wee bit closer to Planet Earth.   This is how vetru looks

For those who deserve better,  there are probably better ways to spend £680,000 - and one way is owning the world’s most expensive mobile phone. The “Piece Unique” is one of three created by Swiss company, Goldvish. Covered in gold and encrusted with an obscene number of flawless diamonds, the phone was presented to a  Russian tycoon at the Millionaire's Fair at Cannes recently. The Guinness Book of World Records was even on hand to confirm it as the world’s most expensive phone. Of the remaining two, one has been sold to a Hong Kong businessman which leaves the other still up for grabs.

Otherwise - you can look for this.   A Moscow-based firm has launched production of what has been tagged as the world's costliest mobile phone. The Diamond Crypto Smartphone designed by luxury accessories maker Peter Aloisson is priced at a crisp $1.3 million and features a cover adorned with 50 diamonds, ten of which are of a rare blue variety.  It also features a few sections made in rose gold.Apart from the enticing looks, the phone manufactured by the Moscow-based JSC Ancort Company uses powerful encryption technology to provide special security.  It aims to secure the user's identity as well as store information that would help investigate kidnapping, technological blackmail, financial racketeers and corrupt state officials.

With  Regards,
S. Sampathkumar

Circulated to my group on 10.10.2006 and posted now… the values and models sure would have changed – but the message and caption still have relevance  -  “Is mobile an ornament – the ornamental mobiles”

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