Insurance contracts are subject to terms and conditions ~ some
generic in nature, some expressly stated for that particular risk. Those
incorporating such conditions / warranties must visualize the situation and
reduce them in a writing in such a manner that they clearly illustrate the
intentions ~ at all times words will be given their common meaning, unless
expressly defined.
intervals, commonly Lunch breaks are the time in the middle of day usually
between 1pm to 2pm when people have their food.
Conceptually, lunch is smaller than dinner, which is the main meal of
the day ~ not in India ;
Indians generally have full-meals during mid-day; some even have their meals at
could not relate to other games, in the game of Cricket, specifically Tests
[and One dayers too…] – there is a break known as lunch and another for Tea too. In Tests, lunch is usually taken 2 hours after
the start and in ODI at the end of 50 overs; after one of the innings is
complete….for the batting team, only two of their unbeaten batsmen would have
been on field and generally they are served eateries ~ players may not have a
full time many course meal during the game – there is no rigid protocol
Fred Trueman during tea break
Photo courtesy :
At Office, it is a welcome break – some look forward to
sharing the pleasure of different treats from the boxes of colleagues; some eat
like a monk; some chat the entire course.
To some, food has always been a social lubricant of sorts. Whenever you
are meeting someone new or after sometime, you go out and meet at a favourite
restaurant or coffee shop.
Insurance covers property insured [and cash when specified] against burglary occurring during office
hours. Generally, policies exclude loss
of money in respect of ‘loss occurring on the premises after business hours,
unless the money is in a locked safe or a strongroom’
Elsewhere under Insured’s duties, it is stated that ‘All
locks, bolts, intruder alarm systems and other protective devices shall be in
full operation during any time the Premises are left unattended or closed for
Here is an interesting decision of the National Consumer Disputes
Redressal Forum interpreting the term ‘business hours’ in respect of a
complaint of New India Assurance
against M/s Panchsheel Jewellers,
against concurrent orders of the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum,
cause of action arose from an incident of theft, which took place in the shop
premises in May 2003 during the lunch
hours. Gold ornaments allegedly worth over Rs.21 lakhs and some cash were
stolen. The occurrence was not disputed; the Police could recover Rs.12.47
lakhs and loss was valued at 22.93 lakhs.
The claimant had a Jewellers Block insurance and the SI was Rs.21.51
lakhs. The act of burglary / forceful entry was clearly established.
Insurers rejected the claim for the remaining value of Rs.10,46,500/- with the
repudiation solely resting on the contention that loss
occurred during the lunch time which is not construed as ‘business hours’.

to the Insurers, on the material day, the shop was closed locking the main gate
and shutter @ 0130 noon – the gold ornaments displayed in the showcase remained
where they had been kept ~ they had not been kept in safe, during the
break. The Policy warranted that ‘all
property including cash currency shall be secured in the locked safe of
standard make at all time out of business hours’. In view of this, the claim lodged fell under
the standard exclusion 12 of Jewellers’ block Insurance and hence the claim was
not admissible.
Thane District Forum rejected the contention of the Insurers that the lunch hours are to be
excluded from the business hours. The State Commission too agreed with the view taken by the District
Forum. The decision of the State
Commission was challenged on the ground that the terms of the policy have to be
strictly construed and no exception or relaxation can be made while
interpreting the same. According to NCDRC, the law as laid down by the Apex Court is very
clear. In the present case, as in any other case, the terms of the policy need
to be strictly construed.
Counsel for Insurers argued that under terms of the policy all property should
necessarily be secured in locked safe and cannot be kept on display after
business hours; during lunch time, if the shop is kept open for attending
customers and if staff go out for lunch in turns, then the jewellery need not
be shifted to safe ~ but when the shop remains closed for lunch, the ornaments
must be shifted to a safe. NCDRC
however stated that there was no express provision in the policy which eased
such an interpretation of lunch hours and in its absence their argument amounts
to bringing a stipulation into the policy which is not expressly contained in
it. And on this ground, NCDRC rejected
the contention of the Insured, dismissed the appeal for want of merit and
ordered in favour of the claimants.
That takes us to the basic premises that
‘warranties’ have to be reasonable and have to be clearly worded if any
restrictive coverage was intended. If
not, the terms of the policy would be interpreted to mean their common ordinary
meaning…. Learning for all of us.
Getting back, are you the one who ever wished lunchtime
were longer ~ or you the one enjoying the ‘flexi-lunch’
With regards – S. Sampathkumar .
20th Dec 2012.
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