
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

New Facebook Application "If I Die" - or what after death ?

In Hinduism, we have the concept of rebirth as also moksha ‘the eternal salvation’ – to us the ‘atman’ (soul) is different than the body.  The body can be damaged but the atman cannot be. What happens after death is always a taunting Question.  To the believers it is not achievements during one’s lifetime alone that matters but also the good deeds that would do one good in the outer World after death. 

But what needs to be done after death – this Western attempt promises to be far different.  Before we go to that – most of us have a Facebook account and spend time on seeing the updates on FB. Some are so engrossed that they spend hours together on FB or some other social networking sites.  Some recent studies state that those with the most contacts, those who had invested the most time in the site, who were the ones most likely to be stressed.  Even children are anxious about posting something and about the reaction – of likes and other things on their post.  Catching the attention of others is what most like to do. 

From its beginnings in Feb 2004 to what it is, Facebook certainly has traversed long attracting millions of youngsters creating their profile, exchanging messages, notifying things and  pasting up their best photos and what they like most.  Users create and join groups with common interests, workplace, birthplace, place of residence, place of study and more !  Though  Facebook allows only users who declare themselves to be at least 13 years old to become registered users, there are thousands who are less than that age !!

This post is all about the new application on Facebook which has generated a great deal of media attention -    “If I Die”.  Does it sound weird ?  -  The app's tagline is "What will you leave behind."

It is a new application which  allows people who download the app to create their own video or text message that is stored on a secured server until he or she passes away, at which time “If I Die” posts the video or text message to his or her Facebook page. To prevent premature posting to the user’s Facebook profile, “If I Die” requires users to appoint three “trustees” who will be responsible for verifying the user’s death.  It is touted as unique opportunity to send a meaningful final message to the people they leave behind.  The application would allow the Users to put up an e-will, the announcement of recipient of the accumulated wealth during one’s lifetime.

Perhaps it is an answer to some users who spend so much of their time on FB – on their worry of what would happen to FB Profile after they die ?  The answer is still there will be activity in your FB page – a notification  by means of a video or text message announcing the news and what you want to say, published after you die.   The traits are claimed to be :

Its Safe : -  Messages are safely stored on a secured server.

It's Simple : Only three steps, install, record, choose trustees.

It's Life After Death  :  What will you leave behind?

o    Step One

Install if i die on Facebook

o    Step Two

Create a video or a text message.

o    Step Three

Choose three trustees from your friends.

So one more reason how a person can die peacefully – there is something which will take care of your FB profile ! 

Once three of the trustees confirm the user's death, the pre-recorded video or written messages will be posted on the user's Facebook profile.  The app already has  more than 5,000 'likes' on Facebook.

With regards – S. Sampathkumar

31.Jan. 2012.... posted now...

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