
Thursday, March 27, 2014

the interesting world of Fish - Arowana

Dear (s)

Inidentally, saw a big fat somewhat ugly looking fish displayed in a big tank in a friend's place this morning.  Have seen this fish few years back.  Here is some info. on this.  For the Chinese and those of related cultures, the dragon is a symbol of good luck and prosperity. In the eyes of the Chinese, the dragon fish has the appearance and majesty of the Chinese Dragon.  arowanas are considered "lucky" fish by many people.

This is catching on in Asia (read India) This reputation derives from the species' resemblance to the Chinese dragon, considered an auspicious symbol. belief is that the fish can ward off evil spirits if kept in the home.  This owner, being a businessman told me that business deals would be done before this tank and the fish would rightly (!!) indicate the genuiness of the person with whom the owner is making the deal.   The price tag (all important) is stated to be over Rs.1 lac (depending on the size & ............)

Some varieties can grow up to Four feet long (120cm). They can be feisty, though become tamer with age to the point of eating from your fingers, and not the fingers themselves. The Arowana Fish comes from somewhat primitive origins (Jurassic Age), and some varieties are nicknamed “Bony Tongued Fish”.  Arowana fish are carnivores, though will generally eat nearly anything. Young Arowana Fish may be fed frozen or live brine shrimp, black worms, and even small fish. When older, some larger fish will do. Baby Arowana Fish should be fed maybe 3 times a day, medium sized twice a day, and adults once a day, or even once every other day. Variety is important for a well balanced diet in Arowana Fish just like for most other fish.

Generally, a good healthy Arowana Fish will grow to be at least 24 to 30 inches (60-75cm). Some varieties can become 48 inches (120 cm) in the wild. They may be aggressive (definitely not good community fish), and Arowana fish can sometimes be best kept alone in an aquarium. Remember that other smaller fish in the tank may become their dinner.

Arowana fish will often swim in the top of the aquarium, and are capable of jumping from the aquarium. Keep the aquarium well covered to avoid coming home to a dead pet. Silver Arowana Fish in the wild have been known to jump at insects in trees.  Arowana Fish may live for many years, and if well cared for Arowana fish may live longer than 20 years in captivity. If you keep the aquarium temperature towards the lower end, they may look young and live  longer than they would in a higher temperature…

With Regards,

S. Sampathkumar
PS : circulated to my group on 12th Sept 2006 and posted on my blog

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