Amre's first task was
lifting Rahane's spirits. In his words, criticism hurts Rahand and “I took him to a friend of mine -Abhay
Poyarekar. He was a customs officer who had won a bravery award from the
President of India,“ the former India batsman recalled.Poyarekar had received
plenty of threats as well as bribery offers from the underworld after he
averted a major bomb blast in Mumbai by seizing 18 detonators from a ship at
Mumbai docks. Poyarekar's spine-chilling tale despite such a massive danger
inspired Rahane no end. “I also took him to the founder of the Vedanta Group,
Swami Parthasarathy for a session on mental health.
elsewhere about a couple of years ago in Daily Mail that ‘Winning fights increases
aggression, even in cricket’. The article
stated that the more victories someone notches up in fights, the more
aggressive they become - and the same is even true for crickets, say
researchers. Scientists from the University of Leipzig in Germany staged
cricket ‘tournaments’ and found that the
winners became increasingly wound up as they progressed. The study investigated
the source of the heightened aggression, dubbed the ‘winner effect’, and
discovered that increased levels of adrenalin were responsible.
need to read it again as the researchers, led by Paul Stevenson, studied 958 ‘crickets’
in total. It
is not the game but insects - Crickets, family Gryllidae - somewhat related to
grasshoppers which have somewhat flattened bodies and long antennae.
They tend to be nocturnal and are often confused with grasshoppers because they
have a similar body structure including jumping hind legs. Crickets are
harmless to humans. The sound emitted by
crickets is commonly referred to as chirping; the scientific name is
stridulation. Only the male crickets chirp. The sound is emitted by the
stridulatory organ, a large vein running along the bottom of each wing. It is a
popular myth that the cricket chirps by rubbing its legs together. The calling song attracts females and repels
other males, and is fairly loud. Crickets, like all other insects, are
cold-blooded. They take on the temperature of their surroundings.
researchers found that the winner effect is actually temporary with the
aggression levels returning to normal around 20 minutes after the fight. They
also found that treating the crickets with a chemical called epinastine, which
interferes with the invertebrate equivalent of the adrenaline pathway,
abolished the winner effect, suggesting that adrenaline flow is involved in
aggression increase.
is a naturally produced hormone that is produced in stressful or exciting
situations. The main physical effects are an increased heart rate, contracted
blood vessels and the expanding of air passages.
fighting is an activity involving insects (and sometimes, arachnids,
centipedes, millipedes and mollusks). It is practiced in areas in China, Japan,
Vietnam, and Thailand. Cricket fighting is a traditional Chinese pastime that
dates back to the Tang Dynasty; it is a blood sport involving the fighting of
male crickets. Crickets have pedigrees and would be carefully bred by
knowledgeable keepers. Each cricket must be kept in its own clay pot and their
diets include ground shrimp, red beans, goat liver, and maggots. It is reported that there are large numbers of
cricket fans and hence rearing winning cricket becomes expensive.
regards – S. Sampathkumar
Sept. 2014.
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