His personal life also is entangled – there
is investigation in the mysterious death of his wife - this post is not about all that, but about the literary skills of Mr. Sashi Tharoor and his articulation
that needs appreciation.
Sept. 2014, the Indo-British Heritage Trust organised a debate as the inaugural
event to mark the 400th anniversary of formal relations between India and
Britain back in 1614.
The interesting conclusion in the historic debate that put the mighty
empire on a mock trial at the Supreme Court in London, was that the British Raj did more harm than
good in the Indian subcontinent. The motion before the house was, "The Indian sub-continent benefited more than it
lost from the experience of British Colonialism". The team against
the motion, eloquently led by Congress MP Shashi
Tharoor and including fellow authors William Dalrymple and Nick Robins,
clinched a decisive victory. "No wonder the sun never set on the
British Empire, even God couldn't trust the English in the dark," said
Tharoor as part of his arguments which focused on the economic ruin of India at
the hands of the East India Company.
"The might of
Britain was built in the 18th and 19th centuries on the ruination of India -
where India went from a 23 per cent share of the global economy to 4 per
cent," he added. Dalrymple, author
of 'White Mughals' and 'The Last Mughal', echoed the sentiment from the
perspective of a prospering Mughal Empire which 'haemorrhaged' under the
British. To commemorate the 400th
anniversary of the British presence in India -- King James I's envoy, Sir
Thomas Roe, arrived at the court of Emperor Jehangir in 1614 -- the
Indo-British heritage Trust held a debate, in the chamber of the UK Supreme
Court, on the motion "This House believes that the Indian subcontinent
benefited more than it lost from the experience of British colonialism." Shashi Tharoor spoke against the motion, alongside two
Indophile Brits, authors William Dalrymple and Nick Robins. The proposers were
Pakistan's Niloufer Bakhtyar, an editor, Martin Bell, former BBC war
correspondent, and Kwasi Kwarteng, a Conservative Party MP of African descent.
On Chair, Labour MP Keith Vaz, called for an
initial vote, which went 35 to 28 for the motion. When it was over, voting took
place again, and the needle had moved dramatically: 26 to 42 against.
The anti-colonialists had carried the day.
Tharoor articulated that at the beginning of the 18th century India's
share of the world economy was 23%, as large as all of Europe put together. Here
is some of his arguments reproduced :
By the time India
won independence, it had dropped to less than 4%. The reason was simple: India
was governed for the benefit of Britain. Britain's rise for 200 years was
financed by its depredations in India. Britain's Industrial Revolution was
built on the de-industrialisation of India - the destruction of Indian textiles
and their replacement by manufacturing in England, using Indian raw material
and exporting the finished products back to India and the rest of the world.
The handloom weavers of Bengal had produced and exported some of the world's
most desirable fabrics, especially cheap but fine muslins, some light as
"woven air". Britain's response was to cut off the thumbs of Bengali
weavers, break their looms and impose duties and tariffs on Indian cloth, while
flooding India and the world with cheaper fabric from the new satanic steam
mills of Britain. Weavers became beggars, manufacturing collapsed; the
population of Dhaka, which was once the great centre of muslin production, fell
by 90%. So instead of a great exporter of finished products, India became an
importer of British ones, while its share of world exports fell from 27% to 2%.
Colonialists like
Robert Clive bought their "rotten boroughs" in England with the
proceeds of their loot in India (loot, by the way, was a word they took into
their dictionaries as well as their habits), while publicly marvelling at their
own self-restraint in not stealing even more than they did. And the British had
the gall to call him "Clive of India", as if he belonged to the
country, when all he really did was to ensure that much of the country belonged
to him. By the end of the 19th century, India was Britain's biggest cash-cow,
the world's biggest purchaser of British exports and the source of highly paid
employment for British civil servants - all at India's own expense. We literally
paid for our own oppression. As Britain ruthlessly exploited India, between 15
and 29 million Indians died tragically unnecessary deaths from starvation.
British imperialism
had long justified itself with the pretence that it was enlightened despotism,
conducted for the benefit of the governed. Churchill's inhumane conduct in 1943
gave the lie to this myth. British imperialism had triumphed not just by
conquest and deception on a grand scale but by blowing rebels to bits from the
mouths of cannons, massacring unarmed protestors at Jallianwallah Bagh and
upholding iniquity thru institutionalised racism. Whereas as late as the 1940s
it was possible for a black African to say with pride, "moi, je suis
francais", no Indian in the colonial era was ever allowed to feel British;
he was always a subject, never a citizen.
What are the
arguments FOR British colonialism benefiting the subcontinent? It is often
claimed that the British bequeathed India its political unity. But India had
enjoyed cultural and geographical unity throughout the ages, going back to
Emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century BC and Adi Shankara travelling from Kerala to
Kashmir and from Dwarka to Puri in the 7th century AD, establishing his temples
everywhere. The construction of the
Indian Railways is often pointed to as benefit of British rule, ignoring the
obvious fact that many countries have built railways without having to be
colonized to do so. Nor were the railways laid to serve the Indian public. In
fact the Indian Railways were a big British colonial scam. British shareholders
made absurd amounts of money by investing in the railways, where the government
guaranteed extravagant returns on capital, paid for by Indian taxes. The English language comes next on the credit
list. It too was not a deliberate gift but an instrument of colonialism.
off to Mr Shashi Tharoor and his articulation – this is worth circulating to
all Indians.
With regards – S.
30th Jan
PS: inputs taken
from the web of Mr Shashi Tharoor and from his exclusive interview to NDTV.