Tomorrow 22nd
Apr marks the centenary of a sad event in the history of mankind !
The battle
of Sarmin (or Battle of Tell Danith) was
fought in Sept 1115, when Prince Roger
of Salerno's Crusader army surprised and routed the Seljuk Turkish army of
Bursuq bin Bursuq of Hamadan. Sarmin, a
small town in northwestern Syria is in news, albeit for wrong reasons.

Elemental chlorine
is commercially produced from brine by electrolysis. The high oxidizing
potential of elemental chlorine led commercially to free chlorine's bleaching
and disinfectant uses, as well as its many uses of an essential reagent in the
chemical industry. As a common disinfectant, elemental chlorine and
chlorine-generating compounds are used more directly in swimming pools to keep
them clean and sanitary. The municipal
water that comes through taps is treated with chlorine.
suggest that U.N. Security Council
members were moved to tears as an eyewitness to suspected chlorine gas attacks
on civilians in Syria gave a graphic account of dying children. A Syrian doctor
who treated victims from half a dozen attacks over the past month, Mohammad
Tennari was helped out of the country by the United States, which arranged for
the closed-door briefing. He is the first witness to describe the attacks. He
showed a video of a suspected chlorine attack on March 16 in his town of Sarmin
in Idlib province, with images of three children, ages 1 through 3, dying
despite attempts to resuscitate them. The medical area was so cramped that one
of the children was lying on top of their grandmother, who also died. The U.S.
and other council members have repeatedly blamed the Syrian government for such
attacks, saying no one else fighting in the grinding civil war has helicopters
to deliver the toxic chemicals.
This is no post on
Syrian trouble but on the grim anniversary of 100 years since first use of
chemical weapons in chlorine gas attack which left thousands of victims
'drowning in their own lungs'. MailOnline reports that way back on
22.4.1915, German forces launched attack using 150,000 tons of gas – around one million
soldiers were exposed to gas and 90,000 killed !!
It was
on this day Chlorine gas was used for the first time to disastrous effect — carried by favourable winds over Flanders
Fields from German positions. It was
new element in warfare - psychological terror as the chlorine seeped into body
fluids and ate away at eyes, throat and lungs. Some 1,200 French soldiers were
killed in the chaos of that first five-minute gas attack.
On Tuesday i.e., 22nd
Apr, the Organisation for the
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons will hold a commemorative meeting close to the
fields. A century ago German forces were gathering at army headquarters in
Tielt, some 30 miles (50km) behind the front line, for a momentous discussion. Commanders
had already been waiting 10 days for favourable winds, huddled in a patrician
mansion lined with maps and dotted with landscape models. They were bent on breaking the stalemate of
trench warfare and all options were open. Some soldiers, argued deploying more troops would achieve a
bigger breakthrough than using gas. Fritz Haber, a chemical expert and future
winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, preached for more gas for more shock
and awe.
Chief of General
Staff Erich von Falkenhayn decided they would use the gas the next day or not
at all. Across the line Lamour's French forces said there was nothing to
report. Had they been able to peer a bit further across no-man's land they
would have seen how German troops had dug in, under cover of night, more than
5,000 gas cylinders with tubes pointing their way. Historians estimate that
more than 1million soldiers were exposed to gas.
The plan was to
release the chlorine in the frosty morning hours, when it would cling best to
the surface and give soldiers a full day to advance. A windless morning came
and went. The breeze only picked up in the afternoon - and at 5pm the gas
cylinders were opened with devastating effect.
Once the gas cleared, the soldiers jumped out and made more progress
than they had in months. Men, horses, rats, even insects lay dead or choking
before them. German troops and certainly
the German generals were completely astonished.'
In 1925, 16 of the
world's major nations signed the Geneva Protocol, thereby pledging never to use
gas in warfare again. Sadly like so many
breached protocols, gas continues to be used, even 100 years after the first
attack. Seven years after signing the Protocol, Italy dropped mustard gas in
bombs during the invasion of Ethiopia. Activists
now have accused the Syrian regime of using chlorine - a toxic agent that can
be considered a chemical weapon - on civilian areas in the past. There is also
evidence to suggest ISIS is using chlorine gas as a chemical weapon in its
battle, Kurdish authorities have claimed.
man’s avarice knows no bounds and killing fellow-humans continues unabated.
With regards – S.
21st Apr
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