
Monday, February 1, 2016

stressfree job - the beautiful isles of Scilly ...

How many jobs you have shifted in your career ? – are all of them on the same profession ?  How satisfied are you with your present job ? – and are you looking for opportunities outside, especially, outside your present place of domicile ??

While all jobs come with their own level of stress,  one would not need research or statistics to reveal that some have it more than others.  There are some where people are  putting their lives on the line, such as military personnel and firefighters,  there are some of coordination, public relations, reporting and the like.  There are many jobs which require hard physical labour and there are some which are mostly unrecognised ....
photo source : wikipedia commons

The Isles of Scilly  are an archipelago off the southwestern tip of the Cornish peninsula of Great Britain. The population of all the islands at the 2011 census was 2,203.  Although the Isles of Scilly remain part of the ceremonial county of Cornwall, and some services have been combined with those of Cornwall, since 1890 the islands have had a separate local authority.  The Duchy of Cornwall owns most of the freehold land on the islands. Tourism is a major part of the local economy, along with farming and agriculture. Natural England has designated the Isles of Scilly as National Character Area .... one is often tempted to think of ‘high paying, low-stress job’at a location as picturesque as these islands !!!

Those nerds of the net,  thought, they had perhaps found one and people across the World applied to be a Police Officer in the Isles of Scilly after a Facebook advert went viral.  Applications poured in from as far as Thailand and Australia for the job described as "quite possibly the most enviable policing post in the UK or even the world".  However, it quickly became clear that not everyone could apply for position in one of the UK's most picturesque locations.

The Isles of Scilly Police Department in the United Kingdom is looking to hire a new Constable .....  “Unique Opportunity”… It only comes around every few years. Amongst other things the successful candidate will possess the following attributes: The ability to explain cheerfully in infinite different ways to holiday makers that “No you are not hallucinating I am a real Police Officer” and “Yes there are things for me to do here.”  Described as "quite possibly the most enviable policing post in the UK or even the world", the ad  for the post of a constable went on Facebook.  The islands are not renowned as a hot bed of crime but any potential candidate would need to know how to handle a stray seal in the high street or be able to pacify drunken chefs arguing about salt. Crimes investigated by the officers recently include a goldfish found abandoned on the steps of the police station, a short sighted horse vandalising cars and a 50-year-old row over a shed.

According to BBC, between  March 2014 and February 2015, crimes included 24 cases of violence, sexual offenses, criminal damage and arson.  “Sounds idyllic?” the ad reads. “If you have a moment during your day feel free to practice your brief one liner applications online here. Closing day is Friday. Who knows, this time next month you could be rescuing goldfish, investigating fried eggs, competing with Lifeboat crews to make pasties, guarding clogs for Dutchmen and taking your orders from a cat. Only followers of this site need apply as inevitably you will feature here anyway and your mum will want to know what you are up to. Good Luck.” It is reported that reference to “investigating fried eggs” comes from a real-life incident that happened this year when a fried egg was left at the scene of a break-in.

Before you run to apply,  Sergeant Colin Taylor, who posted the advert, said he forgot to mention the job was only open to serving Devon and Cornwall officers. "I think I may have overcooked the job advert," he wrote on Facebook.

So, keep glued to Facebook, once-in-lifetime offers like this may pour in !!

With regards – S. Sampathkumar

9th Apr 2015.

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