otherwise docile buffalo would seem apparently agitated – as the man approaches nearer – he
carries an injection which in one single stroke pierces the tough skin, animal
shows pain, but is helpless – people say, it is Oxytocin administered making
cattle produce more milk – it is stated that it has severe harmful effects on
the health of the animals and also humans who consume that milk !! .. .. ..
even this is common in many areas ~ but what was seen yesterday on the streets
of Triplicane – shocking – ‘administering of drips’ ! [there are always 2 sides – perhaps that was
done with good intention too, one never knows]
Saline, would
require no elaboration , a mixture of
sodium chloride in water that has a
number of uses in medicine. Whenever, one is admitted into any hospital, the
first thing that is done is ‘drips’. The
medical use of saline began around 1831. It is on the World Health
Organization's List of essential Medicines, the most effective and safe
medicines needed in a health system.
What we
colloquially call ‘drips’ is - Intravenous therapy, the infusion of liquid substances directly
into a vein. Intravenous (IV) means "within vein". Intravenous
infusions are commonly referred to as drips. The intravenous route is the
fastest way to deliver fluids and medications throughout the body. Intravenous therapy
may be used for fluid administration (such as correcting dehydration), to
correct electrolyte imbalances, to deliver medications and for blood
transfusions. The fluid is given from a
bag connected to an intravenous line. This is a thin tube, often called an IV,
that’s inserted into one of your veins.

While the mode and
methodology of injecting cattle on roads, before they are milched, leaves deep
sense of anguish on the onlooker, the other day, a boy was standing near a cow
on the street of Triplicane with a IV bag in raised hand – the cow had an
injection inserted on the front right upper limb – not too sure whether to
appreciate the care for the cow or was it wrong way of treatment, rather than
taking it to a qualified Vet and having it treated in a proper place.
Some reading puts
that knowledge and proper training on how to give cattle injections or shots,
be it sub-subcutaneously (SQ; under the skin), intramuscularly (IM; directly
into the blood supply of the muscle), or intravenously (IV; directly into the
vein, usually the jugular vein), is very important in order to be able to
vaccinate or treat cattle with vaccines or medicines, respectively. A cow,
bull, heifer, steer or calf does not have to be sick in order to be given an
injection, many cattle that are perfect healthy are required to get injections
or shots for annual vaccinations or booster shots, is what a research paper
Cattle of all ages,
when challenged from disease or dehydrating changes in environment or
management, will either use body reserves of fluids to maintain homeostasis or
attempt to replenish fluid balance by drinking water. The rumen serves as a
reservoir which releases consumed water to the body fluid compartments through
an osmotic pressure gradient. As cells require fluid for metabolism,
electrolytes and other nutrients exert osmotic pressure to continuously supply
the cells with fluid for normal functions.
It has been very
hot in Chennai and the summer is definitely taking toll on bovines. Severely
challenged cattle can dehydrate in excess of 10% of their bodyweight. Clinical
signs include: eyes sunken into orbits, skin remains tented indefinitely, dry
mucus membranes, and depression is evident. This degree of dehydration is
potentially life threatening and procedures of IV fluid therapy and oral rumen
large volume supplementation should be initiated immediately.
it be, it was shocking to see a cow on road being administered IV by a boy ! ~ and it was far different than what see in the photo here.
With regards – S.
30th May
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