
Saturday, January 1, 2022

Marina visitors - building sand castle !!

ஆத்தோரம் மணலெடுத்து என்ற பாடல் ஞாபகம் உள்ளதா ? 

There were thousands of people along the Marine beach busy in many activities including taking selfies but this youth Ayyanar was otherwise busy.. read on !!  

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever ~ and one such is ‘Marina beach’ known for its pristine beautiful sandy shores -   the famous Marina beach offers intriguing things – most important of course is the waves of Bay of Bengal and the sandy shores.  

Ever played building sand castles !  .. ..  may not exactly be the game for modern Kids  !!!  -  The resources were less i.e., the amount spent for entertainment was not high – so more of nature and natural products into every game they played.  People would remember their childhood, the locality they grew – the river beds and more. The river beds were perennial source of entertainment and tranquilty.  In Chennai, it was the beach, the sea-shore which provided the serene surrounding.  

“வீட்டைக் கட்டிப்பார், கல்யாணம் பண்ணிப் பார்” எனப் பழமொழி கேட்டு இருப்பீர்கள் !!  விசுவின் மணல் கயிறு படம் மனதில் ஆடலாம்.  முன்பெல்லாம் பீச் மணலில் சிறுவர் சிறுமியர் மணல் வீடு கட்டி விளையாடுவர் !

படம்: வாழ்க்கை வாழ்வதற்கே  என்ற படத்தில்  PB ஸ்ரீனிவாஸ்+ P சுசீலா குரலில் விசுவநாதன்-ராமமூர்த்தி இசையில், கண்ணதாசனின் வரிகளில் - ஜெமினி, சரோஜா தேவி நடிப்பில் :

ஆத்தோரம் மணலெடுத்து - அழகழகாய் வீடு கட்டி

தோட்டமிட்டு செடி வளர்த்து - ஜோராக குடியிருந்தோம்


The waves may over-run and destroy the castles, yet children would happily construct their dream houses closer to the shore !  

Today evening observed an youth busy building sand house – in a few minutes this beautiful decorated house called “Tamil Nadu” was ready ! – on the sides were written Madurai !  .. .. enquired – his name is Ayyanar, had come from Villupuram with hopes of bathing in Bay of Bengal – Police are not allowing bathing, as in recent times there have been deaths due to drowning ..  

To utilize the opportunity of his visit, he built a grand sandhouse – the house may not even stand for a day but this Mason from Vizhupuram did conquer the hearts of those who saw it  - and that included Yours truly who took a few photos and shared it to the phone of the creator 

With regards – S. Sampathkumar
12th Dec 2021. 

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