
Friday, January 12, 2024

Green eyed Cat ! ~ ~ ~ Arabian Mau !!

As I came back home, it was pretty dark and its eyes were bright and staring at me ! took a couple of photos as she posed readily !


ஓர் ஆயிரம் பார்வையிலே, உன் பார்வையை நான் அறிவேன்,

உன் காலடி ஓசையிலே 

Pet owners often have doubt on whether their cat really loves them, given their disinterested, laid back attitude.  Fret not as cats have an extremely unique way of expressing themselves. While they aren’t necessarily as demonstrative as people or dogs are, cats communicate with people  all the time in many different ways. 

The most affectionate way of communication is through the slow blink. The slow blink is a cat’s way of saying ‘I love you.’ It’s a type of non-verbal communication through body language that shows that they are vulnerable to you, they trust you, and are comfortable around you. 

பூனை கண்கள் : பூனைகள் பெரிய, திறந்த, ஒளி நிரம்பிய கண்களுக்கு பிரபலமானவை, மேலும் கண்கள் அவற்றின் முகபாவனை மற்றும் உடல் மொழிக்கு உதவுகின்றன. பூனைகளின் கண்கள் அவற்றின் தலையுடன் ஒப்பிடும்போது மிகப் பெரியவை, மேலும் இது கார்னியாவுக்கு ஒரு குவிந்த வடிவத்தைக் கொண்டிருக்கிறது என்பதோடு, மிகக் குறைந்த வெளிச்சம் உள்ள இடங்களில் நம்மைக் காட்டிலும் மிகச் சிறந்ததைக் காண முடிகிறது.. பூனை  முற்றிலும் இருண்ட அறையில் இருந்தால், சிறிது வெளிச்சம் நுழைந்தால், அது தன்னை நோக்குநிலைப்படுத்திக் கொள்ள இது போதுமானதாக இருக்கும். 

As I captured, I observed that the eyes of this cat looked green in the photo – first thought it was because of flash effect !! 

A web search revals that there is a breed called ‘Arabina Mau’.  The Arabian Mau  is a formal breed of domestic cat, originated from the early African wildcat, a short-haired landrace native to the Arabian Peninsula. It lives in the streets of the Arabian Peninsula and has adapted very well to its climate. The Arabian Mau is recognized as a formal breed by few fancier and breeder organization and cat registry, World Cat Federation (WCF) and Emirates Feline Federation (EFF). Based on one landrace, the Arabian Mau is a natural breed.

It is medium in size, with a body structure that is rather large and firm, not particularly slender, and with well-developed musculature. The legs are comparatively long, with oval paws. The head appears round but is slightly longer than broad. The nose is slightly concave curved when viewed in profile. The whisker pads are clearly pronounced, with a slight pinch. The chin is very firm. The eyes are slightly oval, large and slightly slanted. The cat may have any normal cat eye color. There is no relation between the eye and coat colors. Usually, Arabian Maus have bright green eyes. The ears are large, slightly forward and sideward-placed, a little long, and high-set on the skull.
Interesting !
With regards – S Sampathkumar

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