
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Cat-basket !! - - (Felis catus)

For sure, know Flower-basket, Fruit-basket – here is one Cat-basket !!


The cat (Felis catus),   the domestic cat or house cat, is a small domesticated carnivorous mammal. It is the only domesticated species of the family Felidae. It is a social species, but a solitary hunter and a crepuscular predator.  The famous meow -Cat communication includes vocalizations like meowing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling, and grunting as well as cat body language. It can hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such as those made by small mammals.  

There are so many fables ! – and here is one on Cat and Fox companionship.  They were  traveling together. As they went along, picking up provisions on the way—a stray mouse here, a fat chicken there—they began an argument to while away the time between bites. And, as usually happens when comrades argue, the talk began to get personal.  

The argument heated up and centered around who was the cleverest among the two ! – do you know more than I ?    The Cat said, "I admit I know one trick only, but that one, let me tell you, is worth a thousand of yours!" Just then, close by, they heard a hunter's horn and the yelping of a pack of hounds. In an instant the Cat was up a tree, hiding among the leaves.  

While the Fox with bundle of tricks was undecided, ran hither and thither  with the hounds at his heels. All in vain, the  hounds caught  the fox  and soon put an end to the boaster and all his tricks.  Cat meanwhile climbed the tree and went into hiding!  

The moral is : ‘Common sense is always worth more than cunning’.  Hundreds of trick would be of no use, if you do not execute the one main trick at right time !   Though cats are considered wise, in William Caxton's 1484 collection of  fables, this one is told about people who have pretensions of wisdom and subtlety, but who in fact are "grete fooles and knowynge no thynge".  

Life is simple, you need not be a Cat or a Fox, when the moment of crisis cometh, take the right decision that could be fleeting away from trouble !

With regards – S Sampathkumar

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