
Thursday, July 4, 2024

Identifying colours !!!


Colour, colour – what colour do you choose !!  - remember, some of them could be unreal too.  While humans can easily distinguish the mistake as in here, can AI really spot this ??


Colour is an engaging and powerful form of communication. Colour piques emotional interest in products. Many times, even the best design gets trumped if appropriate colours are not used. For designers, colour is about expressing their emotions and bringing in certain emotions in users.   In school, our moral science books taught us never to judge people based on their looks. Yet the colour bias does exist !  often than not a person’s complexion becomes the focal point of existence. Those with an extra dose of melanin are preferred less when it comes to marriages and some jobs too.   

In 1666, Sir Isaac Newton’s work with white light led him to the discovery of the visible spectrum of light. So, the first colour wheel dates back to Newton’s period. Newton’s experiments led to the theory that red, yellow and blue were the primary colours from which other colours are derived. Since then, several variations of this concept have evolved with time.  Thus there  are three primary colours: red, blue and yellow. These cannot be mixed or formed by any combination of other colours. Mixing two primary colours together creates the secondary colours: green, orange and purple. Tertiary colours are formed by mixing a primary and a secondary colour. 

Artificial Intelligence select  colours using various algorithms and techniques, such as:  Colour theory, Machine learning, computer vision and random generation.   Meta AI claims that AI can distinguish real and artificial flowers, as well as identify colors, using various techniques.  AI can analyze images of flowers using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to identify shapes, textures, and patterns, allowing it to differentiate between real and artificial flowers.  While AI uses colour models, color recognition,  object recognition and the like, its  accuracy depends  on the quality of the images, lighting conditions, and the complexity of the flowers and colors. It would require advanced algorithms and training, to make AI   increasingly proficient in distinguishing real and artificial flowers and colors! 

It was once thought that animals, including cats and dogs, could only see in black and white. However, Scientists have proven this to be a myth. In all animals, including humans, the perception of colour is determined by the presence of cells in the eye called cone photoreceptors. Cats and dogs have two kinds of cones, which are sensitive to blue and green light. This means they have a useful level of colour vision.  The level of colour vision in other animals depends on the presence and types of the cones. 

The rainbow looks different to a human than it does to a honeybee or a zebra finch. That’s because these animals can see colours that we humans simply can’t. Now scientists have developed a new  analysis technique to better understand how the world looks through the eyes of other species. The accurate and relatively inexpensive method, described in a study published in PLOS Biology, is already offering biologists surprising discoveries about the lives of different species. 

Humans have three types of cone cells in their eyes. This trio of photoreceptors typically detects red, green and blue wavelengths of light, which combine into millions of distinct colours in the spectrum from 380 to 700 nanometers in wavelength—what we call “visible light.” Some animals, though, can see light with even higher frequencies, called ultraviolet, or UV, light. Most birds have this ability, along with honeybees, reptiles and certain bony fish. But it’s difficult to document the moving world through these animals’ eyes.   

Algorithm, understanding, eye, perception, mind power – call it whatever be – never challenge any woman you know on colours – if thou can think and distinguish  of a dozen colour – they can beat you with their colourful knowledge of 100+ in blue alone.  Only person who can win such identification is the man working in a Saree shop or blouse matching shop to be precise !!

Interesting !
With regards – S Sampathkumar

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