
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Parrot lorri - Galileo Galilei !!! பஞ்சவா்ணக்கிளி நீ பறந்த பின்னாலும் ..

Extremely colourful  –  we know Parrots (or are they Parakeets) and some with glorious colours are Macaw but the one pictured here is different !!


நமக்கு தெரிந்தது எல்லாம் பச்சை கிளி - பல வர்ணங்கள் இருந்தால் பஞ்சவர்ண கிளி ... எனினும் இவை மக்காவ் எனப்படும் பஞ்சவர்ணக்கிளிகள் அல்ல, வடிவிலும் சிறியவை.  சங்கமம் படத்தில் ஷங்கர் மஹாதேவன் பாடிய பாடல் காதில் ஒலித்தது : 

கண்ணில் வரும் காட்சியெல்லாம் கண்மணியை  உறுத்தும்

காணாத உன் உருவம் கண்ணுக்குள்ள இனிக்கும்


வராக நதிக்கரை ஓரம்  ஒரே ஒரு பார்வை பார்த்தேன்

புறாவே நில்லுன்னு சொன்னேன்; கனாவாய் ஓடி மறைஞ்ச!!


பஞ்சவா்ணக்கிளி நீ பறந்த பின்னாலும் ..  அஞ்சு வா்ணம் நெஞ்சில் இருக்கு !!  


Parrots are known for their bright colors, and some of the most colorful members of the parrot family are lories and lorikeets. Also known as honeyeaters, the many members of this parrot group (subfamily Loriinae) can be found throughout the islands of the South Pacific and Australia.   

The Galileo affair (il processo a Galileo Galilei) began around 1610 and culminated with the trial and condemnation of Galileo Galilei by the Roman Catholic Inquisition in 1633. Galileo was prosecuted for holding as true the doctrine of heliocentrism !!    

Loriini is a tribe of small to medium-sized arboreal parrots characterized by their specialized brush-tipped tongues for feeding on nectar of various blossoms and soft fruits, preferably berries.  The species form a monophyletic group within the parrot family Psittaculidae. The group consists of the lories and lorikeets.  They are widely distributed throughout the Australasian region, including south-eastern Asia, Polynesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste and Australia, and the majority have very brightly coloured plumage. 

The word "lory" comes from the Malay lūri, a name used for a number of species of colourful parrots. The name was used by the Dutch writer Johan Nieuhof in 1682 in a book describing his travels in the East Indies.  English naturalist George Edwards used the spelling "lory" when introducing names for five species of parrot from the East Indies in the fourth volume of his A Natural History of Uncommon Birds. Edwards credited Nieuhof for the name. 

There are differences between lories and lorikeets, especially when one compares  tails. In general, lories are bigger, with tails that are short, rounded, or square. Lorikeets tend to be smaller, with longer, pointed tails. Most lories are red with patches of yellow, purple, and green; most lorikeets are green with patches of red and yellow. There are, of course, exceptions, and these birds can be found in all the colors of the rainbow. The choice of the terms "lory" and "lorikeet" is subjective, like the use of "parrot" and "parakeet".   

Niccolò Lorini was born in Florence in 1544, served as a Preacher General Dominican Order and a lecturer in ecclesiastical history at the University of Florence.  He is  famous ! for his involvement in the Galileo trails, the Galileo affair. He was a member of the Pigeon League named for one of Galileo's rivals, Lodovico delle Colombe. Lorini instigated the events of 1616 by sending the Roman Inquisition a copy of Galileo's letter to Benedetto Castelli.   On February 19, 1616, the Inquisition asked a commission of theologians, known as qualifiers, about the propositions of the heliocentric view of the universe. On February 24 the Qualifiers delivered their unanimous report: the proposition that the Sun is stationary at the centre of the universe is "foolish and absurd in philosophy, and formally heretical since it explicitly contradicts in many places the sense of Holy Scripture"; the proposition that the Earth moves and is not at the centre of the universe "receives the same judgement in philosophy.  

The theory cost Galileo dearly and only after a period with the friendly Archbishop Piccolomini in Siena, Galileo was allowed to return to his villa at Arcetri near Florence, where he spent the rest of his life under house arrest. He continued his work on mechanics, and in 1638 he published a scientific book in Holland.   So much so for Science and the way Scientists were treated in Europe !!  

Interesting ! life is too short to be spent worrying ! – never argue too much even when you are right ! - Good Afternoon g – welcome to my Photo story – today that of a Parrot and more of Galileo who is hailed now as  natural philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician who made fundamental contributions to the sciences of motion, astronomy, and strength of materials;  but not when he was alive !!! 

With regards -  S Sampathkumar

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