Are you a good orator ! in life, at times, it is not about what you speak, it is about how you control your tongue and the words that you speak !!
The tongue is a mass of muscle that is almost completely covered by a mucous membrane. It occupies most of the oral cavity and oropharynx. It is known for its role in taste, but it also assists with mastication (chewing), deglutition (swallowing), articulation (speech), and oral cleansing. The tongue's upper surface (dorsum) is covered by taste buds housed in numerous lingual papillae. It is sensitive and kept moist by saliva and is richly supplied with nerves and blood vessels. The tongue also serves as a natural means of cleaning the teeth. A major function of the tongue is to enable speech in humans and vocalization in other animals.
The human tongue is
divided into two parts, an oral part at the front and a pharyngeal part at the
back. The left and right sides are also separated along most of its length by a
vertical section of fibrous tissue (the lingual septum) that results in a
groove, the median sulcus, on the tongue's surface.
நாலடியார் (Naladiyar) பதினெண் கீழ்க்கணக்கு நூல் தொகுப்பைச் சேர்ந்த ஒரு தமிழ் நீதி நூல். இது நான்கு அடிகளைக் கொண்ட வெண்பாக்களால் ஆனது. ஆலும் வேலும் பல்லுக்குறுதி; நாலும் இரண்டும் சொல்லுக்குறுதி என்னும் பழமொழியில் நாலு என்பது நாலடியாரையும், இரண்டு என்பது திருக்குறளையும் குறிக்கும். வாழ்க்கையின் எளிமையான பொருட்களை உவமைகளாகக் கையாண்டு நீதி புகட்டுவதில் நாலடியார் தனித்துவம் பெற்று விளங்குகிறது.
கணமலை நன்னாட! கண் இன்று ஓருவர்
குணனேயுங் கூறற்கு அரிதால்,
குணன் அழுங்கக்
குற்றம் உழைநின்று கூறுஞ் சிறியவர்கட்கு
எற்றால் இயன்றதோ நா.
இன்றைய பரந்து விரிந்து இருக்கும் சமூக ஊடகங்களில் உள்ள நண்பர்கள் பலர் - ஒருவர் எதிரில் நின்று, அவரது நல்ல குணங்களைக் கூறுவதற்க்கு தயங்குகிறார்கள். அனால் அவர் குணம் கெடும்படி குற்றத்தையே எடுத்துக்கூறும் இத்தகையோரின் நாக்கு எப்படிப்பட்ட பொருளால் (இரும்பால் அல்லது கல்லால்) செய்யப்பட்டதோ?
Stand in front of a mirror, open your mouth slightly and try to bring the sides of your tongue up towards each other to make a U-shape. If you can do it you are a tongue-roller, along with between 65 and 81% of people, more of them women than men. If you tried this before, the chances are it was in a biology lesson on genetics at school. Some may recall, sitting on high stool at the lab bench trying in vain to roll tongue, while other friends seemed to be able to do it effortlessly. The reason we couldn’t all do it, we were told, is because it is a simple genetic trait. Now Scientists say it is a myth.
One of the super
intelligent human being Albert Einstein is remembered
for his wisdom, his theory of
special relativity, the one that generated the famous equation E=mc2?; his Nobel Prize for his discovery of the photoelectric
effect – and to some that wacky tongue
photo you see everywhere. For a serious scientist who made such formidable
discoveries about the universe, that's a pretty silly face to make, but his expressive face and distinctive
hairstyles have been widely copied and exaggerated.
The famous image of Einstein sticking out his tongue came on his 72nd birthday on March 14, 1951. United Press photographer Arthur Sasse was trying to persuade him to smile for the camera, but having smiled for photographers many times that day, a tired and bored Einstein stuck out his tongue instead and that became a great photo to be seen everywhere.
Interesting ! Tongue !!
Regards – S Sampathkumar
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